Andrzej A. Kononowicz - List of publications

Andrzej A. Kononowicz

Research papers


  1. Mayer A, Hege I, Kononowicz AA, Müller A, Sudacka M. Collaborative Development of Feedback Concept Maps for Virtual Patient–Based Clinical Reasoning Education: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Med Educ 2025;11:e57331.
  2. Car J, Ong QC, Erlikh Fox T, Leightley D, Kemp SJ, Švab I, Tsoi KKF, Sam AH, Kent FM, Hertelendy AJ, Longhurst CA, Powell J, Hamdy H, Nguyen HVQ, Aoun Bahous S, Wang M, Baumgartner M, Mahendradhata Y, Popovic N, Khong AWH, Prober CG, Atun R, Bekele Zerihun A, Poncette AS, Molina AJR, Ferreira AVL, Fajkic A, Kaushal A, Farmer AJ, Lane AS, Kononowicz AA, Bhongir AV, Alayande BT, Bene BA, Dameff CJ, Hallensleben C, Back DA, Hawezy DJ, Tulantched DSM, Kldiashvili E, Achampong EK, Ramachandran G, Hauser G, Grove J, Cheung JPY, Imaralu JO, Sotunsa JO, Bulnes Vides JP, Lawrence KS, Agha-Mir-Salim L, Saba L, Zhang L, Elfiky MMA, Hesseling MW, Guppy MP, Phatak MS, Al Saadoon MAA, Lai NM, Chavannes NH, Kimberger O, Povoa P, Goh PS, Grainger R, Nannan Panday RS, Forsyth R, Vento S, Lee SY, Yadav SK, Syed-Abdul S, Appenzeller S, Denaxas S, Garba SE, Flügge T, Bokun T, Dissanayake VHW, Ho V, Obadiel YA. The Digital Health Competencies in Medical Education Framework: An International Consensus Statement Based on a Delphi Study. JAMA Netw Open. 2025 Jan 2;8(1):e2453131.


  1. Kıyak YS, Kononowicz A, Górski S. Multilingual Template-based Automatic Item Generation for Medical Education Supported by Generative Artificial Intelligence Models ChatGPT and Claude. Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 2024;20(1):81-96.
  2. Stathakarou N, Kononowicz AA, Mattsson E, Karlgren K. Gamification in the Design of Virtual Patients for Swedish Military Medics to Support Trauma Training: Interaction Analysis and Semistructured Interview Study. JMIR Serious Games 2024;12:e63390
  3. Kıyak YS, Kononowicz AA. Case-based MCQ generator: A custom ChatGPT based on published prompts in the literature for automatic item generation. Med Teach. 2024 Aug;46(8):1018-1020.
  4. Fąferek J, Cariou P-L, Hege I, Mayer A, Morin L, Rodriguez-Molina D, Sousa-Pinto B, Kononowicz AA. Integrating virtual patients into undergraduate health professions curricula: a framework synthesis of stakeholders' opinions based on a systematic literature review. BMC Med Educ. 2024 Jul 5; 24(1):727.
  5. Wagner FL, Sudacka M, Kononowicz AA, Elvén M, Durning SJ, Hege I, Huwendiek S.Current status and ongoing needs for the teaching and assessment of clinical reasoning - an international mixed-methods study from the students' and teachers' perspective. BMC Med Educ. 2024 Jun 5;24(1):622.


  1. Huesmann L, Sudacka M, Durning SJ, Georg C, Huwendiek S, Kononowicz AA, Schlegel C, Hege I. Clinical reasoning: What do nurses, physicians, and students reason about. J Interprof Care. 2023;37(6):990-998
  2. Hege I, Adler M, Donath D, Durning SJ, Edelbring S, Elvén M, Bogusz A, Georg C, Huwendiek S, Körner M, Kononowicz AA, Parodis I, Södergren U, Wagner FL, Wiegleb Edström D. Developing a European longitudinal and interprofessional curriculum for clinical reasoning. Diagnosis (Berl). 2023 Feb 20.
  3. Stathakarou N, Kononowicz AA, Swain C, Karlgren K. Understanding how game elements are used in the design of simulations in military trauma management training and their reported outcomes: Protocol for a systematic review JMIR Res Protoc. 2023 Sep 8;12:e45969.
  4. Kononowicz AA, Torre D, Górski S, Nowakowski M, Hege I. The association between quality of connections and diagnostic accuracy in student-generated concept maps for clinical reasoning education with virtual patients GMS J Med Educ. 2023;40(5):Doc61


  1. Mayer A, Da Silva Domingues V, Hege I, Kononowicz AA, Larrosa M, Martínez-Jarreta B, Rodriguez-Molina D, Sousa-Pinto B, Sudacka M, Morin L. Planning a Collection of Virtual Patients to Train Clinical Reasoning: A Blueprint Representative of the European Population. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 6175.
  2. Majerník J, Kacmarikova A, Komenda M, Kononowicz AA, Kocurek A, Stalmach-Przygoda A, Balcerzak Ł, Hege I, Ciureanu A. Development and implementation of an online platform for curriculum mapping in medical education. Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems. 2022;18(1): 1-11.


  1. Sudacka M, Adler M, Durning SJ, Edelbring S, Frankowska A, Hartmann D, Hege I, Huwendiek S, Sobočan M, Thiessen N, Wagner FL, Kononowicz AA. Why is it so difficult to implement a longitudinal clinical reasoning curriculum? A multicenter interview study on the barriers perceived by European health professions educators. BMC Med Educ. 2021 Nov 12;21(1):575.
  2. Parodis I, Andersson L, Durning SJ, Hege I, Knez J, Kononowicz AA, Lidskog M, Petreski T, Szopa M, Edelbring S. Clinical Reasoning Needs to Be Explicitly Addressed in Health Professions Curricula: Recommendations from a European Consortium. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Oct 25;18(21):11202.
  3. Stathakarou N, Sonesson L, Lundberg L, Boffard KD, Kononowicz AA, Karlgren K. Teams managing civilian and military complex trauma: what are the competencies required in austere environments and the potential of simulation technology to address them? Health Informatics J 2021;27(4):1–15.


  1. Kononowicz AA, Hege I, Edelbring S, Sobocan M, Huwendiek S, Durning SJ. The need for longitudinal clinical reasoning teaching and assessment: Results of an international survey. Med Teach. 2020 Apr;42(4):457-462.
  2. Kononowicz AA, Balcerzak Ł, Kocurek A. Stalmach-Przygoda A, Ciureanu IA, Hege I, Komenda M, Majerník J. Technical infrastructure for curriculum mapping in medical education: a narrative review.Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 2020;16(2):20200026.
  3. Hege I, Sudacka M, Kononowicz AA, Nonnenmann J, Banholzer J, Schelling J, Adler M, Espinoza B, Garrido MA, Radon K. Adaptation of an international virtual patient collection to the COVID-19 pandemic. GMS J Med Educ. 2020;37(7):Doc92.
  4. Leszczyński PK, Roszak M, Binkowska A, Świniarski P, Wilk A, Charuta A, Zacharuk T, Kononowicz AA. E-learning Practice at Medical Universities in Poland in the Perspective of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic. Studies In Logic, Grammar And Rhetoric. 2020;64(77): 35-58.


  1. Kononowicz AA, Woodham LA, Edelbring S, Stathakarou N, Davies D, Saxena N, Tudor Car L, Carlstedt-Duke J, Car J, Zary N. Virtual Patient Simulations in Health Professions Education: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration. J Med Internet Res 2019; 21(7):e14676
  2. Kyaw BM, Saxena N, Posadzki P, Vseteckova J, Nikolaou CK, George PP, Divakar U, Masiello I, Kononowicz AA, Zary N, Tudor Car L. Virtual Reality for Health Professions Education: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration. J Med Internet Res 2019; 21(1):e12959


  1. Hege I, Kononowicz AA, Kiesewetter J, Foster-Johnson L. Uncovering the relation between clinical reasoning and diagnostic accuracy - An analysis of learner's clinical reasoning processes in virtual patients. PLoS One. 2018 Oct 4;13(10):e0204900.
  2. Hadadgar A, Changiz T, Kononowicz AA, Safaeian L, Mirshahzadeh N, Najimi A, Ahmadi F, Mostafavizadeh K, Zary N, Masiello I. Creating and validating e-cases as educational tools in general practitioners' continuing medical education context. Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 2018; 2017002
  3. Stathakarou N, Scully MC, Kononowicz AA, Henningsohn L, Zary N, McGrath C. MOOC Learners’ Engagement with Two Variants of Virtual Patients: A Randomised Trial. Educ. Sci. 2018; 8, 44.
  4. Hege I, Kononowicz AA, Berman NB, Lenzer B, Kiesewetter J. Advancing clinical reasoning in virtual patients - development and application of a conceptual framework. GMS J Med Educ. 2018 Feb 15;35(1):Doc12.
  5. Stathakarou N, Kononowicz AA, Henningsohn L, McGrath C. Modelling Feedback in Virtual Patients: An Iterative Approach. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;247:201-205.


  1. Kononowicz AA, Woodham L, Sheetal K. The different dimensions of widening access to virtual scenarios in the WAVES project. e-mentor 2017;70(3):47-54.
  2. Hege I, Kononowicz AA, Adler M. A Clinical Reasoning Tool for Virtual Patients: Design-Based Research Study. JMIR Med Educ 2017;3(2):e21
  3. Berman AH, Biguet G, Stathakarou N, Westin-Hägglöf B, Jeding K, McGrath C, Zary N, Kononowicz AA. Virtual Patients in a Behavioral Medicine Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Participants' Perceptions. Acad Psychiatry 2017;41(5):631-641.
  4. Krawczyk P, Tarczyńska A, Dziadek G, Gołębiowski M, Kononowicz AA, Andres J. Implementation of targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest in Polish intensive care units. What has changed in the last five years? Kardiol Pol. 2017;75(7):689-697


  1. Hege I, Kononowicz AA, Tolks D, Edelbring S, Kuehlmeyer K. A qualitative analysis of virtual patient descriptions in healthcare education based on a systematic literature review. BMC Med Educ. 2016 May 13;16:146.
  2. Krawczyk P, Kononowicz AA, Andres J. Barriers in the implementation of the Resuscitation Guidelines: European survey of defibrillation techniques. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2016 Mar 11;24:28.


  1. Kononowicz AA, Zary N, Edelbring S, Corral J, Hege I: Virtual patients - what are we talking about? A framework to classify the meanings of the term in healthcare education. BMC Med Educ. 2015 Feb 1;15(1):11
  2. Kononowicz AA, Berman AH, Stathakarou N, McGrath C, Bartyński T, Nowakowski P, Malawski M, Zary N: Virtual Patients in a Behavioral Medicine MOOC: A Case-Based Analysis of Technical Capacity and User Navigation Pathways. JMIR Medical Education 2015; 1(2):e8
  3. Huwendiek S, de Leng BA, Kononowicz AA, Kunzmann R, Muijtjens AM, Van Der Vleuten CP, Hoffmann GF, Tönshoff B, Dolmans DH.: Exploring the validity and reliability of a questionnaire for evaluating virtual patient design with a special emphasis on fostering clinical reasoning. Med Teach. 2015; 37(8) 775-82.
  4. Kononowicz AA, Hege I: Breaking down barriers to medical e-learning. [editorial] Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 2015;11(2):77-78
  5. Stathakarou N, Zary N, Kononowicz AA: Evaluation of three educational use cases for using Virtual Patients in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): a Delphi study. Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 2015; 11(2): 113-119


  1. Kononowicz AA, Narracott AJ, Manini S, Bayley MJ, Lawford PV, McCormack K, Zary N: A Framework for Different Levels of Integration of Computational Models Into Web-Based Virtual Patients. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2014, 16(1):e23
  2. Küfner J, Kononowicz AA, Hege I: Virtual patient repositories - a comparative analysis. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2014;205:788-92.
  3. Stathakarou N, Zary N, Kononowicz AA: Beyond xMOOCs in healthcare education: study of the feasibility in integrating virtual patient systems and MOOC platforms. PeerJ 2014 Nov 13;2:e672
  4. Stathakarou N, Zary N, Kononowicz AA: Virtual patients in massive open online courses - design implications and integration strategies. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2014;205:793-7.


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Kenig J.: Learner-generated versus author-provided computer-based flow diagrams in medical education, Bio-Algorithm and Med-Systems 9(1), 2013, pp. 37-44


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Krawczyk P., Cebula G., Dembkowska M., Drab E., Fraczek B., Stachon A.J., Andres J.: Effects of introducing a voluntary virtual patient module to a basic life support with an automated external defibrillator course: a randomised trial., BMC Med Educ, 12(1), 2012, 41
  2. Cebula G., Krawczyk P., Kononowicz A.A., Koszowski M., Odrzywołek R., Andres J.: Manual defibrillation using paddles - Which is the best technique?, Resuscitation, 83(5), 2012, pp. e127-8
  3. Hege I., Zary N., Kononowicz A.A.: Criteria to assess the quality of virtual patients.Stud Health Technol Inform, 180, 2012, pp. 954-957
  4. Kononowicz A.A., Hege I., Krawczyk P., Zary N.: New approaches to linking clinical guidelines to virtual patients., Stud Health Technol Inform, 180, 2012, pp. 958-962


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Zary N, Davies D, Heid J, Woodham L, Hege I.: Push and pull models to manage patient consent and licensing of multimedia resources in digital repositories for case-based reasoning, Stud Health Technol Inform. 169, 2011, pp. 203-7.
  2. Stachoń A.J, Kononowicz A.A.: Educational Decision Diagrams in Biomedical and Life Sciences - Experiences Gained from Introducing into Antrophology Classes , Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, 7(13), 2011, pp. 17-22


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Hege I., Adler M., de Leng B., Donkers J., Roterman I.: Integration Scenarios of Virtual Learning Environments with Virtual Patients Systems, e-mentor 5(37), 2010, pp. 82-86
  2. Kononowicz A.A., Stachoń A.J, Guratowska M., Krawczyk P.: To Start from Scratch or to Repurpose: That is the Question, Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, 6(11), 2010, pp. 57-63


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Heid J., Donkers J., Hege I., Woodham L., Zary N.: Development and Validation of Strategies to Test for Interoperability of Virtual Patients, Stud Health Technol Inform, 150, 2009, pp. 185-189
  2. Zary N., Hege I., Heid J., Woodham L., Donkers J., Kononowicz AA.: Enabling Interoperability, Accessibility and Reusability of Virtual Patients Across Europe – Design and Implementation, Stud Health Technol Inform, 150, 2009, pp. 826-830
  3. Kononowicz A.A., Styczkiewicz K., Bacior B., Bošnjak M., Horvat R., Prcela M., Gamberger D., Sciacqua A., Consuelo Valentini M., Kawecka-Jaszcz K., Parati G., Conforti D.: HEARTFAID's eCRF: Lessons Learnt from Using a Two-Level Data Acquisition and Storage System for Knowledge Discovery Tasks within an Electronic Platform for Managing Heart Failure Patients, Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, 5(10), 2009, pp. 59-69
  4. Hege I., Kononowicz A., Pfähler M., Adler M., Fischer MR.: Implementation of the MedBiquitous Standard into the learning system CASUS, Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, 5(9), 2009, pp. 51-55
  5. Kononowicz A.A., Roterman I.: Chemical Pathways - visualisation of classical analytical procedures in chemistry by the use of flow charts, Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, 5(9), 2009, pp. 121-126


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Holler Th.: The development of a tool for teaching and learning clinical pathways, Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, 4(8), 2008, pp. 33-40.
  2. Kononowicz A.A., Wiśniowski Z.: MPEG-7 as a metadata standard for indexing of surgery videos in medical e-learning, in: Bubak M. et al. (Eds.): ICCS 2008, Part III, LNCS 5103, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 188-197, 2008
  3. Kononowicz A.A., Stachoń AJ., Roterman-Konieczna I.: Virtual Patient as a Tool for Problem Based-Learning in the Context of the European Project eViP, e-mentor, 1(23), 2008, pp.26-30, (in Polish)
  4. Kononowicz A.A., Stachoń A.J., Romanowska-Pawliczek A., Obtułowicz P., Pyrczak W.: Learning-By-E-Teaching: Experience From Involving Students in Preparation of E-Learning Materials, Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, 4(7), 2008, pp. 61-68
  5. Gamberger D., Prcela M., Jović A., Šmuc T., Parati G., Valentini M., Kawecka-Jaszcz K., Kononowicz A.A., Candelieri A., Conforti D., Guido R., Medical Knowledge Representation Within Heartfaid Platform, In Proc. of Biostec 2008, Int. Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, 2008, pp.205-217


  1. Bryliński M., Konieczny L., Kononowicz A.A., Roterman I.: Conservative secondary structure motifs already present in early-stage folding (in silico) as found in serpines family., J Theor Biol., 251(2), 2007, pp. 275-85


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Roterman-Konieczna I.: E-Learning as a New Tool in Medicine Teaching on the Example of an Introductory Statistics Course, Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, 2(3), 2006, pp. 71-75
  2. Kononowicz A.A., Pyrczak W., Roterman-Konieczna I.: E-Learning in Medicine, Probl. Hig. Epidemiol., 87(4), 2006, pp. 364-371
  3. Mrozowski P., Kononowicz A.A.: DSS-MEDA: A web-based framework for video annotation in medical e-learning, Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, 2(4), 2006, pp. 51-56


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Żabińska-Popiela M., Roterman-Konieczna I., Krzysiek J.: A Multi-path Computer-based Examination System for Students of Medicine, Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, 1 (1-2), 2005, pp.165-170 (in Polish)
  2. Sarapata K, Bilo G., Pyrczak W., Kononowicz A., Roterman-Konieczna I., Kawecka-Jaszcz K.: Application of Cryptography in Cardiography in Cardiologic Teleconsultation, Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 1 (1-2), 2005, pp. 365-368 (in Polish)
  3. Kononowicz A.A., Żabiska M.: Dystrybucja Obiektów Dydaktycznych Bazująca na Technologii Agentowej, Automatyka (1-2), 2005, pp. 115-127 (in Polish)

Book chapters


  1. Sudacka M., Kononowicz AA. Nauczanie rozumowania klinicznego w centrum symulacji medycznej – od teorii do praktyki, in: Doroszewska A, Kaczor M. Symulacja jako metoda kształtowania umiejętności nietechnicznych i kompetencji społecznych, Edra Urban & Partner, Wrocław, 2023, pp. 137-155, ISBN 978-83-674-4788-1
  2. Komenda M., Majerník J., Hege I., Kononowicz A.A., Ciureanu A. Data-Driven Decision-Making in Medical Education and Healthcare, in: Komenda M . Building curriculum infrastructure in medical education, Masaryk University Press, Brno, 2023, pp. 179-195, ISBN 978-80-280-0392-0
  3. Sumunar D.S.E.W., Stathakarou N., Kononowicz A.A., Karlgren K. Implementation of Design Principles for Virtual Patient Simulation in Interprofessional Education, in: Claramita M., Soemantri D., Hidayah R.N., Findyartini A., Samarasekera D.D. Character Building and Competence Development in Medical and Health Professions Education. Springer Proceedings in Humanities and Social Sciences. Springer, Singapore, 2023, pp. 165-173, ISBN 978-981-99-4572-6


  1. Roszak M., Leszczyński P., Starosta K., Wiktorzak P., Torres K., Świniarski P., Kononowicz AA. E-learning w kształceniu medycznym, in: Galwas B. Panorama e-edukacji w Polsce, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2020, pp.73-89, ISBN 978-83-8156-145-7


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Hege I. The world of virtual patients , in: Roterman-Konieczna I. Simulations in Medicine: Pre-clinical and Clinical Applications, De Gruyter,Berlin, 2015, pp.121-138, ISBN 978-3-11-040626-9


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Sałapa K. Ścieżki kliniczne , in: Roterman-Konieczna I. Elementy informatyki medycznej - ścieżki kliniczne, wirtualny pacjent, telekonferencje, Kraków, 2011, pp.43-74, ISBN 978-83-233-2958-9
  2. Kononowicz A.A., Stachoń A.J. Wirtualny pacjent , in: Roterman-Konieczna I. Elementy informatyki medycznej - ścieżki kliniczne, wirtualny pacjent, telekonferencje, Kraków, 2011, pp.75-130, ISBN 978-83-233-2958-9
  3. Kononowicz A.A. Tworzenie Komputerowych Schematów Ścieżek Klinicznych jako Metoda Wspomagania Procesu Edukacji Medycznej , in: Ochnio L., Orłowski A., Technologie i Narzędzia e-Learningu, Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa, 2011, pp.54-62, ISBN 978-83-7583-277-8
  4. Matuszyk D., Guratowska M., Stachoń A., Dziedzic M., Kononowicz A.A. Wirtualni Pacjenci jako Innowacyjna Metoda E-learningowa dla Studentów Położnictwa , in: Ochnio L., Orłowski A., Technologie i Narzędzia e-Learningu, Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa, 2011, pp.105-114, ISBN 978-83-7583-277-8


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Hege I. Virtual patients as a practical realisation of the e-learning idea in medicine, in: Soomro S., E-learning, experience and future, In-Teh, Vukovar, Croatia, 2010, pp.345-370, ISBN 978-953-307-092-6
  2. Kononowicz A.A., Stachoń A.J. Adaptacja Istniejących Elektronicznych Zasobów Dydaktycznych jako Szansa na Dynamiczny Rozwój e-Nauczania – Doświadczenia Projektu Europejskiego eViP , in: Banachowski L., Postępy e-edukacji, Oficyna Wydawnicza PJWSTK, Warszawa 2010, pp.133-141, ISBN 978-83-89244-82-6


  1. Kononowicz A.A. Szpitalny System Obsługi Pacjenta, in: Tadeusiewicz R., Augustyniak P.Podstawy Inżynierii Biomedycznej,Wydawnictwo AGH, Kraków 2009, pp. 399-424, ISBN 978-83-7464-168-5


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Roterman-Konieczna I. Szpitalny System Obsługi Pacjenta, in: Tadeusiewicz R., Inżynieria Biomedyczna, Uczelniane Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Dydaktyczne, Kraków 2008, pp. 166-177
  2. Kononowicz A.A., Stachoń A.J, Roterman-Konieczna I. Czy przyszłością nauczania medycyny są wirtualne kliniki?, in: Rak R., Galwas B., Piwowarska E., Postępy e-edukacji, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2008, pp.317-325, ISBN 978-83-7207-795-0


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Grzybowski P. E-Learning, in: Martyniak J., Podstawy Informatyki z Elementami Telemedycyny, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2005, pp. 147-155, ISBN 978-83-7464-168-5



  1. Kononowicz AA. Integrating Digital Health Technologies into Clinical Reasoning Education. The Roadmap of the D-CREDO Project DAM/BrainLab Clinical Reasoning Symposium, Munich, Germany, 18-19 Oct. 2024[19.10.2024] (Invited lecture)
  2. Mamede S, Kononowicz AA, Hautz W, Norman G, Schmidt HG. Clinical reasoning and its teaching: What is the role of artificial intelligence? AMEE 2024 Basel, Switzerland, 24-28 Aug. 2024 [26.08.2024] (Symposium)
  3. Sudacka M, Kononowicz AA. Application of virtual patients with clinical reasoning concept maps to prepare for high-fidelity simulation training in paediatrics. AMEE 2024 Basel, Switzerland, 24-28 Aug. 2024 [26.08.2024] (E-Poster)
  4. Kononowicz AA. How do digital technologies fit into clinical reasoning education? 5th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine, Kraków, Poland [4.07.2024] (Invited lecture)
  5. Stathakarou N, Kononowicz AA, Swain C. Karlgren K. Game Elements in the Design of Simulations in Military Trauma Management Training: a systematic review, SESAM 2024, Prague, Czech Republic, 19-21 Jun., 2024 [19.06.2024] (Short Communication)
  6. Kononowicz AA. Paving the Way for the Integration of Artificial Intelligence into the Medical Education of the Future, Ankara, Türkiye, on-line presentation [19.04.2024] (Invited lecture)


  1. Kononowicz AA. Striking the Balance: Embracing Emerging Digital Technologies and Human Insight in Clinical Reasoning, 30th Anniversary of Medical Programs in English at Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland [27.10.2023] (Invited lecture)
  2. Fąferek J, Cariou PL, Hege I, Mayer A, Morin L, Oleniacz Z, Joanna Ożga J, Rodriguez-Molina D, Sousa Pinto B, Kononowicz AA. Guidelines on the integration of virtual patients into curricula developed by the European project iCoViP AMEE 2023 Glasgow, UK, 26-30 Aug. 2023 [29.08.2023] (Oral communication)
  3. Kononowicz AA, Hege I, Adler M, Iguacel I, Rodriguez-Molina D, Sobocan M, Wagner F. Developing and evaluating teaching resources for clinical reasoning. SIDM2023 Europe Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2-4 Jul. 2023 [4.07.2023] (Oral communication)


  1. Hege I, Adler M, Da Silva Domingues V, Donath D, Edelbring S, Fąferek J, Huwendiek S, Kononowicz A, Martinez Jarreta B, Mayer A, Morin L, Rodriguez-Molina D, Sobocan M, Sudacka M. Teaching clinical reasoning – a European interprofessional approach. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) und des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). Halle (Saale), [15.-17.09.2022]
  2. Mayer A, Huesmann L, Kononowicz A, Sudacka M, Hege I.Concept maps for teaching clinical reasoning – similarities and differences between concept maps created by individuals and groups. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) und des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). Halle (Saale), [15.-17.09.2022]
  3. Kononowicz A. Developing, implementing, and disseminating an adaptive clinical reasoning curriculum for healthcare students and educators: the outcomes of a European project. Medical Education Forum, Kraków [28.09.2022]
  4. Sobocan M, Petreski T, Edelbring S, Elven M, Kononowicz AA, Huwendiek S, Hege I. Teaching clinical reasoning toolkit: Understanding, developing and implementing a clinical reasoning curricula. AMEE 2022 Lyon, France, 27-31 Aug. 2022 [27.08.2022] (Pre-conference Workshop)
  5. Kononowicz AA, Sobocan M, Edström DW, Uhrmacher L, Vrouvides J, Hege I. Pilot implementation and evaluation of clinical reasoning train-the-trainer courses by the European project DID-ACT. AMEE 2022 Lyon, France, 27-31 Aug. 2022 [29.08.2022] (Oral communication)
  6. Mayer A, Huesmann L, Kononowicz AA, Larrosa M, Sudacka M, Hege I. Joint creation of concept maps for teaching clinical reasoning - Experiences from consensus workshops for healthcare professionals. AMEE 2022 Lyon, France, 27-31 Aug. 2022 [29.08.2022](Short Communications Online)
  7. Körner M, Schneider E, Kononowicz AA, Hege I, Frankowska A. Teaching methods for clinical reasoning - an overview for clinicians and educators. AMEE 2022 Lyon, France, 27-31 Aug. 2022 [30.08.2022] (Oral communication)
  8. Pers M, Kononowicz AA, Szopa M, Körner M. Comparison of person's perspective attitudes after a virtual patient activity and role-plays of students - a prospective control-group randomized study. AMEE 2022 Lyon, France, 27-31 Aug. 2022 (Short Communication On Demand)


  1. Stalmach-Przygoda A, Doroszewska A, Hege I, Świerszcz J, Kononowicz AA. The differences in clinical communication skills curricula between German and Polish education systems: a BCIME project perspective. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, ICCH 2021, October 17-20,2021. (e-Poster)
  2. Sudacka M, Kononowicz A.A., Adler M., Frankowska A., Durning S. The complexity and diversity of barriers hindering introducing clinical reasoning into health professions curricula - results of interprofessional European DID-ACT project. AMEE 2021 virtual conference, August 27-30, 2021. (e-Poster)
  3. Majernik J, Komenda M, Kononowicz A, Hege I, Ciureanu A. Software based support of curriculum mapping in education at medical faculties. International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies 2021, June 22-24, 2021.
  4. Adler M, Kononowicz AA, Sudacka M, Hege I. The way from eViP to iCoViP: the practice of implementing on-line virtual patient collections. MCSB: International Conference on Cybernetic Modelling of Biological Systems. Kraków, May 28-30, 2021.
  5. Kononowicz AA, Adler M, Frankowska A, Hege I. Clinical reasoning learning analytics. How to visualise and measure the invisible? MCSB: International Conference on Cybernetic Modelling of Biological Systems. Kraków, May 28-30, 2021.
  6. Kononowicz AA. The effectiveness of virtual patient simulation in medical education. Medical Education Forum. Kraków, May 4-6, 2021


  1. Hege I, Adler M, Durning S, Edelbring S, Huwendiek S, Kononowicz A, Sobocan M, Sudacka M, Thiessen N, Wagner F, Welin E. Development of a longitudinal interprofessional clinical reasoning curriculum – an international project. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA). Zürich, September 9-12, 2020
  2. Kononowicz AA, Sudacka M, Wagner FL, Edelbring S, Hege I, Huwendiek S. What are the expectations for a longitudinal clinical reasoning curriculum? An international needs analysis by the DID-ACT project. AMEE 2020 virtual conference, September 7-9, 2020 (e-Poster)


  1. Kononowicz AA. Frankowska A, Sudacka M, Górski S, Hege I. What is the best virtual patient model? A focus group study. AMEE 2019 conference, August 24-28, 2019, Vienna, Austria (e-Poster)
  2. Kononowicz AA. Classification of virtual patients and their uses. Nationellt symposium om kliniskt resonemang och virtuella patienter, June 14, 2019, Örebro, Sweden [14.06.2019] (Invited lecture)
  3. Kononowicz AA. Rola wirtualnych pacjentów w nowoczesnej edukacji medycznej. Nowoczesna Edukacja w Polsce 2019, May 24, 2019, Warszawa, Poland [24.05.2019] (Invited lecture)


  1. Woodham L, Kononowicz AA, Hege I, Spachos D, Stathakarou N, Schwarz D, Adler M. The WAVES Project: Implementing usability enhancements to Virtual Patient systems. MedBiquitous Annual Conference 2018, May 21-22, 2018, Baltimore, Maryland USA [Oral communcation]


  1. Cebula G, Jędrzejek M, Kazimierczak A, Krawczyk P, Kononowicz AA., Ciążyński B, Andres J. Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation performed by medical students 2 years after course. Resuscitation 2017;118S:e101.
  2. Kononowicz A, Adler M, Schwarz D, Spachos D, Stathakarou N, Woodham L. Enhancements in accessibility and usability of SBL environments: results from the WAVES project AMEE 2017 conference, Helsinki, Finland [28.08.2017] (Oral communication)
  3. Hege I, Kononowicz AA, Nowakowski M, Alder M. Implementation of process-oriented feedback in a clinical reasoning tool for virtual patients IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical, Thessaloniki, Greece [23.06.2017] (Oral communication, short paper)
  4. Woodham L, Stathakarou N, Topps D, Adler A, Kononowicz A, Schwarz D, Spachos D, Antoniou P. Integrating Virtual Scenarios using standards: Experiences of the WAVES project. MedBiquitous Annual Conference 2017, Baltimore, MD, USA [05.06.2017] (Oral communication)
  5. Hadadgar A, Kononowicz A, Changiz T, Najimi A, Mirshahzadeh N, Zary N, Masiello I, Validity of self-assessment using electronic clinical cases in continuing medical education. MedBiquitous Annual Conference 2017, Baltimore, MD, USA [05.06.2017] (Oral communication)


  1. Kononowicz AA: Virtual Patients – Where Are We? Where Are We Going? Mefanet 2016 Conference, Brno, Czech Republic. p. 19 [30.11.2016] (Invited Keynote Lecture)
  2. Kononowicz AA., Hege I., Davies D., Zary N., Poulton T.: Information needs of virtual patient collection users: a longitudinal analysis of visitor queries in the eViP project repository. AMEE 2016 Conference, Barcelona, Spain, p. 709 [30.08.2016] (Poster)
  3. Küfner J., Kononowicz AA., Hege I.: How do Virtual Patients model clinical encounters? A grounded theory approach. AMEE 2016 Conference, Barcelona, Spain, p. 712 [30.08.2016] (Poster)
  4. Hege I., Kononowicz AA., Berman NB., Lenzer B., Kühlmeyer K., Kiesewetter J.: Optimizing clinical reasoning in virtual patients - a grounded theory approach. AMEE 2016 Conference, Barcelona, Spain, p. 310 [29.08.2016] (Oral Communication)
  5. Kononowicz AA., Stathakarou N., Lilienthal A., Zary N.: Projekt Waves: Czy e-nauczanie bazujące na scenariuszach jest wystarczająco proste? XVI Konferencja Uniwersytet Wirtualny, Warszawa, Poland [23.06.2016] (Oral Communication)


  1. Kononowicz AA., Stathakarou N., Berman AH., Zary N.: Visual analytics in branched virtual patients. AMEE 2015 eLearning Symposium, Glasgow, Scotland , UK [06.09.2015] (Oral communication)
  2. Hege I., Kononowicz AA.: Virtual patients: A qualitative content analysis of descriptions. AMEE 2015 eLearning Symposium, Glasgow, Scotland, UK [06.09.2015] (Oral communication)
  3. Küfner J., Kononowicz AA., Hege I.: Virtual patient systems: a literature-based inventory. AMEE 2015 eLearning Symposium, Glasgow, Scotland, UK [06.09.2015] (Oral communication)
  4. Kononowicz AA., Berman AH., Stathakarou N., Bartyński T., Nowakowski P., Malawski M., Zary N.: Virtual Patients in a Behavioral Medicine MOOC: Meeting the challenge of ensuring technical capacity and analyzing user navigation patterns. MOOCs in Scandinavia Conference, Stockholm, Sweden [12.06.2015] (Oral communication)
  5. Zary N., Kononowicz AA., Berman AH., Malawski M., Stathakarou S.: Challenges and opportunities of using virtual patients in xMOOCs , MedBiquitous Annual Conference 2015, Baltimore, MD, USA [19.05.2015] (Oral communication)
  6. Kononowicz AA., Stathakarou N., Berman AH., McGrath C., Bartyński T., Nowakowski P., Malawski M., Zary N.: Virtual Patients in Massive Open Online Courses: a technical toolbox. MCSB2015, Kraków Poland [14.052015] (Oral communication)


  1. Berman AH, Biguet G, Bois C, Lilienthal A, Uhlin L, Kramer J, Nixon T, Kononowicz AA, McGrath C, Zary N, Suominen S: Kibehmedx. Behavioral medicine: a key to better health 13th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Groningen, The Netherlands [20.08.2014] (Poster)
  2. Kononowicz AA, Narracott AJ, Fenner J, Nowakowski P, Malawski M, Mancini E, Lawford PV, McCormack K, Zary N: Virtual Patients in the Cloud? Perspectives for Medical Education Offered by the Virtual Physiological Human Community 20th SESAM, Poznan, Poland [12.06.2014] (Oral communication)


  1. Kononowicz AA., Bayley M., Narracott AJ., Dafli E, Bamidis P., Zary N.: Toward dynamic virtual patients: Use of models from the Virtual Physiological Human Initiative, MedBiquitous Annual Conference 2013, April 8-9th 2013, Baltimore, MD [9.04.2013] (Oral communication)
  2. Kononowicz AA., Hasch F., Hege I., Zary N.:Demonstration of a graphic organizer driven help system to assist learners while solving virtual patients, MedBiquitous Annual Conference 2013, April 8-9th 2013, Baltimore, MD [8.04.2013] (Demo)


  1. Krawczyk P., Kononowicz A.A., Andres J.: Manual defibrillation technique: a pilot survey of European performance , Resuscitation 2012 Conference, Vienna, Austria [19.10.2012] (Poster)
  2. Bayley M., Kononowicz A.A., Narracott A., Zary N., McCormack K., Lawford P.: VPH tools in clinical education: development of an Education Engine , VPH2012 Conference, London, UK [20.09.2012] (Oral communication)
  3. Hege I., Zary N., Kononowicz A.A.: Criteria to Assess the Quality of Virtual Patients, European Medical Informatics Conference, Pisa, Italy [28.08.2012] (Full paper)
  4. Kononowicz A.A., Hege I., Krawczyk P., Zary N.: New Approaches to Linking Clinical Guidelines with Virtual Patients , European Medical Informatics Conference, Pisa, Italy [28.08.2012] (Full paper)
  5. Kononowicz A.A., Piwowar M.: Jak korzystać z programu typu wirtualny pacjent w dietetyce?, V Konferencja Naukowo-Dydaktyczna, Zakład Higieny i Dietetyki UJ CM i Polskie Towarzystwo Hignieniczne, Mąchocice Kapitulne, Poland [04.06.2012] (Short communication)
  6. Kononowicz A.A.: Initiative with the Virtual Physiological Human NoE to create an Education Engine, Health Informatics Centre eSeminar, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden [26.04.2012] (Short Communication)


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Stachoń A.J., Roterman-Konieczna I.: eViP - czyli wirtualny pacjent w Krakowie, Innovations in Medical Education Conference, Poznań, Poland, [28.10.2010] (Short Communication)
  2. Kononowicz A.A.: Erstellung von Pfaden als Methode zum besseren Verständnis von wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen unter Medizinstudenten, GMA2010, Bochum, Germany, 2010, [24.09.2010] (Short Communication)
  3. Davies D., Kononowicz A.A., Zary N., Hege I., Donkers J., Heid J., Woodham L., Calinici T.: Implementing a repository of virtual patients: ensuring findability of resources, AMEE e-learning symposium, Glasgow, UK [5.09.2010] (Short Communication)
  4. Kononowicz A.A., Krawczyk P., Stachoń A.: Virtual Patients in resuscitation training at Jagiellonian University Medical College, AMEE e-learning symposium, Glasgow, UK, 2010, [5.09.2010] (Short Communication)
  5. Kononowicz A.A.: Tworzenie Komputerowych Schematów Ścieżek Klinicznych Jako Metoda Wspomagania Procesu Edukacji Medyczne, X Konferencja “Wirtualny Uniwersytet – Model, Narzędzia, Praktyka”, Warszawa, Poland [16-18.06.2010] (Short Communication, Paper)
  6. Matuszyk D., Guratowska M., Stachoń A., Dziedzic M., Kononowicz AA..: Wirtualni Pacjenci Jako Innowacyjna Metoda E-Learningowa Dla Studentów Położnictwa, X Konferencja “Wirtualny Uniwersytet – Model, Narzędzia, Praktyka”, Warszawa, Poland [16-18.06.2010] (Short Communication, Paper)
  7. Piwowar M., Kułaga T., Guratowska M., Stachoń A.J., Kononowicz A.A.: "Genomiczny Wirtualny Pacjent": Metoda E-learningowa nie Tylko dla Lekarzy, Modelowanie Cybernetyczne Systemów Biologicznych, Kraków, Poland, 2010, [21-22.05.2010] (Poster)
  8. Stachoń A.J., Kononowicz A.A.: Edukacyjne Diagramy Decyzyjne w Naukach Biomedyczne i Przyrodniczych, Modelowanie Cybernetyczne Systemów Biologicznych, Kraków, Poland, 2010 [21-22.05.2010] (Poster)
  9. Kempkens D., Hege I., de Leng B., Fors U., Huwendiek S., Kononowicz A. Poulton T., Fischer M.: Estimation Of Time And Efforts For Repurposing Virtual Patients - Experiences From The Electronic Virtual Patient Project (eViP), 2nd International Conference on Virtual Patients & MedBiquitous Annual Conference, London, UK, 2010 [26-28,04.2010] (Short Communication)
  10. Kempkens D., Hege I., de Leng B., Fors U., Huwendiek S., Kononowicz A., Muntean V., Poulton T., Fischer M.: Adaptation virtueller Patienten an neue Nutzungsszenarien: Aufwandsabschätzungen aus dem europäischen Projekt electronic Virtual Patients (eViP), 14. Workshop der gmds-Arbeitsgruppe "Computerunterstützte Lehr- und Lernsysteme in der Medizin (CBT)" und des GMA-Ausschusses "Neue Medien". Witten, Germany, [16.-17.04.2010] (Short Communication)


  1. Kononowicz AA., Guratowska M., Hege I., Mazurek Z., Stachoń A.J.: What does repurposing of virtual patients mean in practice?, AMEE2009, Malaga, Spain, 2009 [29.8-2.9.2009] (Poster)
  2. Hege I., Adler M., Kononowicz AA., Pfähler M., Kühne F.: Creating and exchanging exams using standard conformant virtual patients, AMEE2009, Malaga, Spain, 2009 [29.8-2.9.2009] (Poster)
  3. de Leng B.,Donkers J.,Brasch C.,Huwendiek S.,Kononowicz AA.: Evaluation instruments to support educators in making deliberate choices when they use virtual patients to teach clinical reasoning, International Conference of Virtual Patients, Kraków, Poland, 2009 [5-6.6.2009] (Short Communication)
  4. Mazurek Z.,Kononowicz AA.: The Impact of Repurposing to Different Educational Levels on the Attitudes of Medical Students towards Virtual Patients, International Conference of Virtual Patients, Kraków, Poland, 2009 [5-6.6.2009] (Short Communication)
  5. Mazurek Z.,Kononowicz AA.: The Impact of Repurposing to Different Educational Levels on the Attitudes of Medical Students towards Virtual Patients, International Conference of Virtual Patients, Kraków, Poland, 2009 [5-6.6.2009] (Short Communication)
  6. Stachoń A.,Walewska E.,Scislo L.,Matuszyk D.,Dziedzic M.,Kononowicz AA.: Authoring and implementation of virtual patients in nursery – the new challenge at the Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland, 2009 [5-6.6.2009] (Short Communication)
  7. Zary N.,Hege I.,Heid J.,Kononowicz AA.,Woodham L.,Donkers J.: Enabling Interoperability, Accessibility and Reusability of Virtual Patients – Findings from the eViP project, International Conference of Virtual Patients, Kraków, Poland, 2009 [5-6.6.2009] (Short Communication)
  8. Roterman I., Kononowicz A.A., Walecki P., Lasoń W.: Wirtualni Pacjenci jako Przykład Narzędzia Symulacyjnego w Edukacji Medycznej, IX Sympozjum "Modelowanie i Pomiary w Medycynie", MPM'2009, Krynica, Poland, 2009 [10.05.2009] (Short Communication,Paper)
  9. Calinici T., Davies D., Donkers J., Hege I., Heid J., Kononowicz A., Woodham L., Zary N.: Implementation of the MVP standard by five European VP systems-challenges and recommendations, MedBiquitous Annual Conference, Baltimore, USA [28.04.2009] (Oral Communication)
  10. Kononowicz, A. A.; Hege, I., Adler, M., de Leng, B., Donkers, J. & Roterman I.: Requirements on Virtual Learning Environments generated by the use of Virtual Patients. Proceedings of the KU KDM’09 Conference, Zakopane, Poland, 2009, pp. 52-54, Zakopane [12.03.2009]


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Stachoń AJ.: Projekt eViP Jako Inicjatywa Wspierająca Naukę Medycyny z Wykorzystaniem Wirtualnych Pacjentów, XVI Międzynarodowy Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii, Kraków, 2008 (Oral communication) [25.09.2008]
  2. Stachoń AJ, Kononowicz AA.: Roterman-Konieczna I., Hege I., Holzer M., Adler M., Fischer MR, Scenarios for the implementation of VPs into the medical curriculum by the example of JUMC's participation in the eViP-Programme, AMEE 2008, Prague, Czech Republic (Oral Communication) [01.09.2008]
  3. Kononowicz A.A.: Building clinical pathways by postgraduate students as a method of improving knowledge about the patient's journey through a hospital, AMEE 2008, Prague, Czech Republic (Poster) [01.09.2008]
  4. Urbaniec J., Filip A., Kononowicz A.A.: E-nauczanie w przeddzień rewolucji w edukacji, Conference "Komunikacja a rozwój lokalny i regionalny", Kraków, 2008 (Oral communication, Paper, In Polish) [04.03.2008]


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Obtułowicz P, Pyrczak W., Roterman-Konieczna I.: Two years of experience in medical e-learning, Learning together to work together, EIPEN International Conference, Kraków 2007 (Oral communication) [13.09.2007]
  2. Urbaniec J., Pawlik A. , Kononowicz A.A.: Plato, (Media)Wiki and Virtual Laboratories, Excellence Models for a Global University Network,GUIDE Association, Kraków 2007 (Oral communication, Paper) [21.03.2007]


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Roterman-Konieczna I.: Platforma e-learningowa Blackboard na uczelni medycznej, Blackboard Day, Kraków 2006 (Oral communication) [13.11.2006]
  2. Kononowicz A.A., Roterman-Konieczna I.: Platforma e-learningowa Blackboard na uczelni medycznej, Dzień Otwarty Cyfronetu, Kraków 2006 (Oral communication) [11.10.2006]
  3. Kononowicz A.A., Pyrczak W., Roterman-Konieczna I.: Telemedycyna w edukacji medycznej, Telemedycyna - Medycyna w zasięgu telefonu i internetu, Warszawa 2006 [22.06.2006]
  4. Stanisławska-Kloc S., Kononowicz A.A., Pyrczak W., Roterman-Konieczna I.: Bariery prawne w e-nauczaniu, Telemedycyna - Medycyna w zasięgu telefonu i internetu, Warszawa 2006 [22.06.2006]


  1. Kononowicz A.A., Żabiska-Popiela M., Roterman-Konieczna I., Krzysiek J.: A Case-Based Examination System with Multiple Answer Paths, AMEE 2005, Amsterdam 2005 (Poster)